发布时间:2025-3-9 13:41:17
一、主要性能说明(The main performance specification)
Universal angle grinder is repairing the special-shapedproducts before sintering trimming angle of specialprocessing equipment. Using high precision slide, slide,highmachiningprecision; stainlesssteel vacuumcleaner,powder recoverywithout pollution. Semi automatic control, simple operation.
二、主要技术参数(Main technical parameters)
产品代号Product code:YC2061
工作台左右行程Table about the itinerary:300mm
工作台前后行程Table before and after stroke:130mm
钻石轮升降距离Diamond whel lifting distance:150mm
钻石轮尺寸Diamond wheel size:150*150*32mm
电机功率Electricmachinery Powe:0.75kw
吸尘器功率Vacuum cleaner Power:1.1kw